Safety Town Sponsership

Dear Friends of St. Joseph Safety and Health Council,

We are so excited to share our love of Safety Town with you. Safety Town is a miniature town designed to introduce children to the importance and methods of safety, especially pedestrian safety. The town is complete with sidewalks, crosswalks, streets, signs, traffic signals and replica buildings. The goal of the program is to reduce possible injury or death of children resulting from preventable accidents.  Safety Town familiarizes children with law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other community workers. 

Not only will your name be on the building or sign as a sponsor, your organization’s name and logo will be on our website and flyers for 3 years as well.

We greatly appreciate your interest in helping us as we educate our children in safety.

There are many ways that you can sponsor Safety Town!!!!

SJSC / MESA Member Companies will receive a 10% discount!!!

  • Building Sponsor (NEW) - $1,200.00 for 3 years (SOLD OUT)

    • Includes a custom vinyl wrap, designed specifically for your organization.

  • Building Sponsor (UPDATED) - $800.00 for 3 years (SOLD OUT)

    • The updated building will take a pre-existing building and update it to include your organizations logo.

  • Street Sign Sponsor - $250 for 3 years

    • You will receive 1 street sign with the name of your choosing.

  • Billboard Sign Sponsor - $400 for 3 years

    • You will receive 1 billboard that is 4’x3’ - designed specifically for your organization or with your message of your choosing.

  • Snack Sponsor